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اسعار و صور و معلومات عن فندق Memphis امستردام

  • بواسطة

The Gresham Memphis Hotel, Amsterdam is located in one of the most fashionable areas in Amsterdam. With it’s stunning ivy-covered facade, the Gresham memphis Hotel is an attractive and well known Amsterdam, and for very good reason! This wonderful Amsterdam hotel is the ideal place to enjoy the charm and delights of the exciting and charming. The Gresham Memphis Hotel is a very short tram journey from Amsterdam city centre and Amsterdam business districts, making it a popular choice among business travellers. It is located just twenty minutes away from Schiphol Airport, making it very accessible. The Gresham Memphis Hotel is perfect for both business and leisure visitors not only because of it’s fantastic ********, but also because of it’s great levels of service and warm, friendly hospitality.
Contact Information
Address: De Lairessestraat 87, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
PostalCode: 1071 NX
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Hotel Facilities
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