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اسعار و صور و معلومات عن فندق Nouvel Summer Special Offer برشلونة

Very attractive hotel in a prime ******** at the top end of the Ramblas, close to Plaza Catalunya. The public rooms have lots of character, with original 19th century marble flooring, chandeliers and huge gilt mirrors.The comfortable bedrooms have wooden furnishings and are a good size. Interior rooms face a courtyard and have balconies.The hotel is in a pedestrianised side street, so is quieter than other central hotels.New for 2024 is a restaurant on the ground floor, where breakfast is also served. The hotel owner has created a beautiful room with vaulted ceilings and the most modern of kitchens.
Contact Information
Address: C/ Santa Anna 20 – 08002 Barcelona, Spain.
PostalCode: 08002
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