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بحث عن فوائد البصل باللغة الانجليزية 2024.

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بحث عن ظپظˆط§ط¦ط¯ ط§ظ„ط¨طµظ„ ط¨ط§ظ„ظ„ط؛ط© الانجليزية

He Specialist Egypt the benefits of health enormous onion especially because it contains hormones feeding ability of sexual and force strong in the extermination of bacteria of the digestive system as well as for use in the treatment of hair loss. The professor of chemistry Nutrition National Institute of Nutrition in Egypt, Dr. Mohamed Menem Mohamed said onion contains phosphorus and calcium and iron in addition to quantities of many substances, diuretics and lubricating materials of the abdomen and tonic for the nerves.

Dr. Menem to Antioch that David said about onion in a renowned medical ticket (ticket Dawood) It is useful in the treatment of hair loss if the scalp massage with the juice of onions, noting that the onion is useful also to remove the spots and freckle face when crushed and soaked in vinegar and then it lets you face. According to Dr. Mohammed The Onion has its therapeutic effect on colds, cold, cough, pain abdomen, in addition to that, anthelmintic and tonic and tonic for the body, but he cautioned that a lot of eating onions cause Alokhm and leads to deep sleep to the sensation of thirst.

He explained that he prefers eating onions *****d, pointing out that onions *****d useful in cough and roughness of the chest to the side to eat diurese whether onions raw or *****d. He advised people with diabetes, eating onion medium-sized daily as reduces the amount of sugar in the blood of the patient.

The professor of chemistry nutrition that onion is a (pharmacy cure) for many diseases and contains water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamin A and vitamin C as well as mineral salts Kalsodiom, potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. and how to overcome the smell of onions pungent Dr. Muhammad that is by eating parsley or mint green as soon remover smell.

Abdullah bin Mohammed said Aljafee said Abu Abd Allah (peace be upon him) said onions: (like the flavor and goes Balblgm and increases in sexual intercourse).

Muhammad bin Salim bin Ahmed Amr ibn al-Nadar Roll Jaber said: Abu Abd Allah (peace be upon him): (onion goes monument and strengthen nerve and increases the pace and increases in the water and go fever).

For Abu Abdullah (peace be upon him) say: (Eat Onions in which the three characteristics like flavor and strengthen the gums and increases in water and sexual intercourse).

And Abu Abdullah (peace be upon him) said: (onion like flavor and pull back the skin, and pity).

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