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Nikon P7000? good

Nikon P7000? good ، Nikon P7000? good

I have always wanted a DSLR but am afraid I would rarely use it because they are so big and bulky. But I do love the image quality, the way it feels in your hand, and the control of a manual lens.

Recently I found out about the P7000 and I really like the way it looks and the specs on the thing…

I think this camera would work better for me than a DSLR because I mostly take pictures of food in restaurants, or am walking around urban areas where it would not be wise to be flashing around a huge camera.

The only thing that is preventing my from pulling the trigger is the image samples I have seen. They all look dark/blurry/point-and-shoot? I have not found an image where I go "WOW."

What do you think am I being crazy or should I buy a $999 DSLR for better images?


Source of

Thank you

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