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اسعار و صور و معلومات عن فندق Ramada D’Ma Bangkok Deluxe Rooms Business Cl بانكوك

Ramada D’Ma Bangkok provides international standard facilities and services, combined with unique Thai hospitality to ensure all of our guest will feel warm and at home during their stay. Just about 30 minutes from the Suvarnbhumi Airport, you will find the centrally located Ramada d’ma bangkok Hotel. ramada D’M A Bangkok Hotel is very convenient located for either Business or leisure due it is located right in the heart of Bangkok with easy access to any place in the city, so you have more time to relax and enjoy your stay.
Contact Information
Address: 1091/388 , New Petchburi Road, City Centre – New Petchburi Ro, Bangkok
PostalCode: 10400
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