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Radio Poppers . hooray I has a set. Questions good 2024.

Radio Poppers… hooray I has a set. Questions good ، Radio Poppers… hooray I has a set. Questions good

Wow so the manual for this thing is MIND NUMBING. Thanks to Jared’s help, he pointed me to the Jrx Studio with the cube.

I figured out how to get my sb-600 to fire and control the flash output.

1) Should I turn the stand-by off on the sb-600? It seems that when it goes in to stand-by, you have to fire a shot on the camera to wake it up.

2) Anything special to set on the receiver/transmitter? I have all dip switches set down. I don’t think I have a need for grouping, and the default channel seems fine.

Any tips/info would be appreciated. Now I have to order some more equipment for my 2nd sb-600 :bowdown:

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يســـــلمؤِـؤِ غآليتيِ

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