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موضوع تعبير باللغة الانجليزية عن الاختبارات

موضوع طھط¹ط¨ظٹط± ط¨ط§ظ„ظ„ط؛ط© ط§ظ„ط§ظ†ط¬ظ„ظٹط²ظٹط© عن الاختبارات


There is no doubt that the phenomenon of serious fraud and outrageous conduct. And fraud have multiple pictures, and a variety of forms,
And this investigation will be limited to cheating in exams, which became complain many of the educators and the spread of the disease. And this is right, the phenomenon of cheating began to take in the proliferation, not at the level of primary, but went even further to the middle and high school and university.
How many students presented a paper in which he has not only his name on the cover. And how much of a student presented a project and does not know anything about it

Q virtuous teacher in your view what are the reasons for the feet of some students to cheat in exams?
My daughter, the creation of a shameful fraud, and causes:
1 – weak in faith:

If the hearts filled with faith in God can not be made on the fraud and is learning that God angry.
Can not hearts filled with love of God to provide the work and know that it is the anger of God.
2 – Lack of Education:
Especially by parents or other teachers or mentors
We do not see a father sitting with his son to advise him and reminded him of the sanctity of fraud, and explain to him the effects and consequences, but an exclamation of some parents that if I spoke of him directly: Why, do you cheat my son?
But maybe if signed by the Son in the Observer, the man came to defend him unlawfully.
3 – adorn the Devil: Satan is decorated with many of the students that the questions will be difficult, and there is no way to resolve and success in exams but Balbrcham and fraud.
Long times the remuneration Albrasim in writing, and the invention of tricks and ways to cheat; what do if a tenth of that time studying in focus would have been successful the first.
4 – laziness and personal weakness: she believes that many of his fellow students see the beginning of the year and they find and Ivakron and are preparing themselves for the final test, and it is not only are his play and fun.
If you see the final exams came to ask for help, and asked if it was successful and on the backs of others and if it is cheating
The trick is cheating and lazy, and it is through the losers.
A guide to personal weakness that you where cheating does not find confidence in himself that he is able to transcend himself and his exams and remember the lessons alone, and then answer based on Mmakrth.
5 – Fear of failure:
The fear of failure, fear of failure causes continuing concern for many students, making them resort to cheating as a way to survive.
Q What are the effects?
To cheat many negative effects Take, for example, is not limited to:

1 – It is the reason for the delay in the nation, and lack of progress and lack of advancement, and that n is not the nations do not apply only to science and the young learner, if young people do not get academic degrees only cheating, tell me Break: What will result in us these students cheaters?
What is the concern which holds one of them?
What is the role it would play in nation-building?
None, but his main concern too; function that certificate counterfeit eat them his strength and his living
They do not have to provide something benefit the nation, or even thinking of that.
And thus remain the nation is not progressing because of those Algchp them
And hopes to look to reality: We see that very evident, the number of students graduating each year, but thousands of them say Lord, we invent, or discover, or submit a project beneficial to the nation, a few negligible.

2 – to deceitful position will be tomorrow, or be a teacher and therefore will exercise Gshh of the nation, but maybe science students cheating.

3 – those who cheat will commit several offenses – in addition to the crime of fraud – including theft, and deception, and lying, and underestimate the greatest of God, and the left Sincerity, and the left depending on God ..
4 – The function obtained by this certificate is forged, or obtained by fraud will be prohibited her salary, and whatever body that is nourished first by the Fire is forbidden.

Q. Finally, do you see how to overcome this problem?

School is not the only educational institution responsible for the treatment of this phenomenon, so it was not everyone’s cooperation in resisting Tha each according to his best and he can:
The father advised his sons in his home and guide them and warn them from time to time, and the other.
And teacher and mentor at the school and the university all the preaching and guidance.
They need to form committees that studied this phenomenon and its causes and how to cure them
. . . .

Finally ask advice?

My daughter: to remember all the words of the Prophet peace be upon him: (from fraud is not from us) Bukhari
Observe that the Prophet said: (from fraud) to include all forms of fraud, big and vile,
Legitimacy in the articles or foreign, all within the modern.
Does that satisfy you disown the Prophet, peace be upon him.

My teacher, thank you, Praise be to Allaah,,,

تعبير عن الغش في الاختبار ، موضوع تعبير عن الغش في الاختبارات

تســـــــــــــلمين غلاي

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