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OTAP assignment #59 "Solo Greeting Card" — Deadline: Wed 1/5/11 Midnight EST good

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OTAP assignment #59 "Solo Greeting Card"Deadline: Wed 1/5/11 Midnight EST good ، OTAP assignment #59 "Solo Greeting Card" — Deadline: Wed 1/5/11 Midnight EST good


Since Ty Webb is a god damn genius, Jared is right with the suggestion. Let’s run this one as well.

Solo Greeting Card – make your best greeting card/holiday card/christmas card with only you in it. Deadline is 1/5/11 :x:

Contest will be 100% anonymous

  • One entry per user
  • no longer than 1024px on the long side
  • no watermarks or borders
  • something new shot between start date and end date.
  • photo’s must be emailed to [email protected] with [OTAP photo assignment #xx] MAKE SURE YOU PUT YOUR USERNAME IN THE BODY OF THE EMAIL
  • Attachments in any other format other than a JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg) will be treated as a virus and deleted before I see it.

Feel free to PM me with suggestions for themes.

Also, please keep in mind, this is a photography contest, not a photoshop contest. While I encourage you to edit your photo’s, please don’t take it over the top.

Themes will not always be cut and dry. Since this is to help spur our creative juices, some of the themes will be open for interpretation.


Source of

Thank you

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