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Slightly frustrated with the wedding photography business . good

Slightly frustrated with the wedding photography business… good ، Slightly frustrated with the wedding photography business… good

Not from the standpoint of the photographer, but as the consumer…

As one or two may know – we terminated the contract with our first wedding photographer because we both (photog and I and fiancé) mutually agreed he was not the right fit for us.

So we shop around more, and hire another studio. I felt very confident. I still do – kind of…

So we are having our albums and shit made – but as I go back and look at our latest engagement photos, I realize just how much more thought and effort I put into my work compared to the god damned photographers I see out there and it’s frustrating. We are paying these people thousands of dollars, and I am still worrying about their ability to pull off what we want. Maybe I shouldn’t be – but I am…

For what our latest photographers are doing and charging, I should be charging 10 grand to shoot a wedding.

Thank you

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