Doing a group shot at work! good
Doing a group shot at work! good ، Doing a group shot at work! good :noes: Something like 30-40 people! They have a ladder that I’ll be on top of. Unfortunately I don’t get to… Doing a group shot at work! good
Doing a group shot at work! good ، Doing a group shot at work! good :noes: Something like 30-40 people! They have a ladder that I’ll be on top of. Unfortunately I don’t get to… Doing a group shot at work! good
Doing a shoot in an hour good ، Doing a shoot in an hour good Called "Fancy Ladies with Mustaches." I grabbed a group of seven friends who think they look average (or less) and… Doing a shoot in an hour good
SO I Decided Im doing the 365 project.. good ، SO I Decided Im doing the 365 project.. good A photo a Day for 365 days. I’m on day 3 and already know there’s no… SO I Decided Im doing the 365 project good