A couple from my last wedding. good
A couple from my last wedding. good ، A couple from my last wedding. good Shot for a couple good friends of mine (and OTers, if they’re still on here. . . ) and thought… A couple from my last wedding. good
A couple from my last wedding. good ، A couple from my last wedding. good Shot for a couple good friends of mine (and OTers, if they’re still on here. . . ) and thought… A couple from my last wedding. good
Wedding Crew. -How much? good ، Wedding Crew. -How much? good I’ll be doing weddings soon, and I need to give an offer for my first wedding The couple already had a photographer offer to… Wedding Crew. -How much? good
4 pictures from last night’s wedding I second shot good ، 4 pictures from last night’s wedding I second shot good "natural light" photog friend admits she was afraid of lights, then she booked a… 4 pictures from last night’s wedding I second shot good
Slightly frustrated with the wedding photography business… good ، Slightly frustrated with the wedding photography business… good Not from the standpoint of the photographer, but as the consumer… As one or two may know –… Slightly frustrated with the wedding photography business . good
My Cousin’s wedding in the Philippines good ، My Cousin’s wedding in the Philippines good Thought the photographer did an awesome job :bowdown: Source of http://forums.offtopic.com/ Thank you تســـــــــــلمينِ عزِيزِتيِ
Latest news wedding Prince William and Kate Middleton We all agree that the wedding Prince William and Kate Middleton on April 29 (April) will be an event of the times. Rather, they have come to… Latest news wedding Prince William and Kate Middleton
ha ha I booked a wedding at 34000 feet! good ، ha ha I booked a wedding at 34000 feet! good I’m flying to Denver and taking advan***e of Southwest airs wi-fi. Checked my email… ha ha I booked a wedding at 34000 feet! good
Last wedding of the season good ، Last wedding of the season good This was a long 12 hour day. I had another photographer from Miami fly in to second shoot with me. He did… Last wedding of the season good
Wedding Photographers local to DC…. ASSSSSEMBLE good ، Wedding Photographers local to DC…. ASSSSSEMBLE good Anyone free for Memorial day weekend – May 2024? Wedding on a Sat I think. Getting married in DC. I… Wedding Photographers local to DC ASSSSSEMBLE good
Strobing a wedding reception venue good ، Strobing a wedding reception venue good Would anyone like to give me some tips on using stationary strobes at a wedding reception venue. I know many of you… Strobing a wedding reception venue good