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What is the best treatment for migraine headaches

What is the best treatment for migraine headaches


* Headache the most common diseases among humans and vary between a mild headache to severe headache, headache in general is not a disease in itself, it is a display of symptoms, which is no doubt of the most symptoms of several diseases of both body and soul. The headache is a pain or soreness may be mild or severe and may include all the header or part of it may extend this pain to the neck may extend to the shoulders, too, may continue to headache less than an hour or several days. and the reasons for headache due to many circumstances Larkins head injury or contraction muscles of the head, or palpitations arteries that feed the scalp, all of which can lead to headaches, and can also cause eye strain, sinusitis or symptoms of allergy to headache. In cases of very limited, the headaches may be caused by a tumor in the brain or other brain diseases, and there are two main types of acute or chronic headaches.

And severe headache
Rare and lasts for a short time in often and most people who suffer from severe headache, seek to consult a doctor because of concern about the continuing severe headache, and in most cases, rest and not to abuse drugs, can lead to the removal of trouble the patient, either chronic headache occurs on a regular basis, and may continue for a few days. The reasons for headaches to the following main reasons: headaches brought about by stress and nervous tension. Headaches brought about by some trouble in the blood vessels and heart. Headaches brought about by some of the tumors in the brain. Migraine (migraine). Headache tension-type headache heatstroke. Headaches resulting from the disease Alaionookther common types of chronic headaches sister

(Migraine) and tension-type headaches or psychological.

* Sister: One of the hardest and most types of headaches and also called headache patients because of the pain which is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, may be the cause of migraine increased extensibility or swelling or throbbing arteries of the head. May result in some foods such as chocolate and some types of cheese to the occurrence of migraines in some people, and repeated migraines from time to time and be painful in most cases, even forced the patient to remain in bed, has been re-migraine patients twice or three times a week, and in the conditions Others may return migraine patient for several months but sometimes years apart, and never shift usually warning her appearance beams dance in front of the eye or lights glowing Kalomd snap or see the patient a dark spot in the field of vision and often affects the pain one side of the head, followed by nausea and a tendency of vomiting, and some patients tend to cry and produce their eyes with tears heavy in spite of them, and there may be a lack of clarity of vision (blurred) or occurs numbness in the limbs arm or legs. The doctors in the face of migraine prescribing different to help reduce tumor cerebral arteries during a heart migraine, and may some patients with migraine to use the style of nutrition vital feedback which is the way learn to control the operations of the body that are usually not under voluntary control, it teaches people how to organize the flow of blood, and blood pressure, body temperature and brain waves and heart rate and other functions interior of their bodies, controls usually the automated portion (the organizer of self) to the nervous system such operations automatically and people can also use nutrition vital feedback to learn again how to move the muscles that came out of their control as a result of an accident or strike or damage hit the brain, and through the style of feedback can migraine patients learn how to raise the temperature of the body themselves and their own hands without help, and this technique would reduce the rush of blood indirectly to the scalp, which means reducing the contractions of cerebral arteries and palpitations.

* Tension-type headaches: the most common form of headache commonly is linked to the growing tension of the facial muscles when a person is tense or tired, or is under the influence of tension physical or mental, these muscles shrink, which results in tension-type headaches, and the patient suffers from pain in the head or in the back of the head and neck, and can alleviate tension headaches by using drugs to alleviate pain. Herb Medicine
Q: Are there herbal medicines for the treatment or to relieve headache, migraine and tension-type?

Yes, there are herbal medicines good for the treatment of headache types such as: * bay leaf BAY, which is known scientifically as LAURUS NOBILIS and laurel leaves contain compounds known as Barthenolaidz (PARTHENOLIDES), which found that having a significant impact against the sister and there is a preparation of this chemical group sold in stores herbal inhaler .

* Hashish fever FEVERFEW:

And hashish fever known scientifically as TANACETUM PARTHENIUM In a study published in the Journal of the British Medical shown that taking the leaf hashish fever regularly to prevent seizures sister, has been reported in school Hurd medical that eating a few leaves of grass fever has become natural for the Prevention of migraine in Britain, was said to be patients with migraine in the UK who do not improve their condition with chemical drugs built resorted to grass fever and came to surprising results, said that eating about 4 papers fresh from the hashish fever protect against sister, and used plant leaves in the form of tea which takes about 10 papers from the plant and placed in the cup full of water has been boiled and left for ten minutes, then drain and drink once a day, but the easier it is the presence of capsules ready in the domestic market, which is codified and the method to use, but must be aware that pregnant women and nursing mother should not have served any formulation of cosmetic hashish fever.

* Peel Willow WILLOW BARKS
There are three types of plant willow used dandruff treatment for headaches which is aspiring scientifically as SALIX FRAGILIS and SALIX DAPHNOIDES and SALIX PURPUREA have been introduced into the German authorities cobalt plant willow as a treatment for the pain of headaches. Contains willow on Salesen acid and tannins, alkaloids and Gelokozydat The Willows first plant to attend him aspirin, I have advised the Constitution German use of 60 to 120 mg of Alsalesen to treat headaches, which is *****alent to one teaspoon of peel willow, but if you suffer from allergies against aspirin should not use cobalt-willow, and must not give cobalt willows for children, especially those who suffer from cold or Filonza which would cause havoc in the liver and brain .
* Alakhaddrip converted: EVENING PRIMROSE
This plant is considered one of the best plant sources to eliminate the pain of migraine, where this plant contains a compound Vinail squealing PHENYL ALANINE professionals are advised to eat 6 to 8 capsules of vegetable oil Alakhaddrip.
* Garlic, onions, GARLIC ONION
The garlic and onions from blood thinners, are plaques platelets involved in the formation of blood clots is also occurring migraine and therefore eat garlic or onions, reduce the impact of the platelet and thus prevents the formation of sister.
* GINGER Ginger
In Asia, people usually use fresh ginger or dry to prevent headaches or migraines, and there was a Chinese woman tried all the drugs to stop the pain of migraine suffered for a long time and the guided finally to ginger, which is still What they were experiencing where they take between 500 to 600 mg of ginger and dry Tkhaltp water when you feel symptoms of migraine, and continued to take four doses a day for four days, then shifted from the use of dry ginger fresh ginger even to cut off the symptoms of migraine, and argued that use of turmeric, ginger in small doses with great benefit in the treatment of migraine.
* GINKGO Ginkgo
Already talking about the ginkgo, known scientifically as G. BILOBA says scientific studies that sister disappear when more than the flow of blood to the head, and this is what you do ginkgo where facilitate the flow of blood to the brain and there on the market several products of the plant where taken 30 drops of extract ginkgo which contain to no less than 5%. Gelokozydat Flavonaudip at a rate 3 times a day for a period of two or three days only, and may also use capsules Ginkgo rate of 60 to 240 mg per day, but does not exceed the dose for this limit, where the increase has caused diarrhea and discomfort.
* Hashish bees or Alturnjan LEMON BALM
Says Professor Norman, professor of pharmacology at King’s College, University of London and author of medical drugs that plant hashish bees may enter into recipes good for the treatment of headache or migraine, and are advised to use one teaspoon to two tablespoons of plant leaves dry added to fill a glass of water has been boiled and left to cool and then drink, and said can work mix equal amounts of hashish and hashish fever, turmeric, taken in the form of soaked for the treatment of migraine.
* Portulaca
PURSLANE It is a herbaceous plant small Hawalli known scientifically as PORTUIACA OLERACEA It contains a large amount of magnesium has been suggested Mokhtso food that 600 mg of Amoiswm daily may help to stop the pain of headaches or migraines, according to Dr. Gallup in his article that a number of Americans began taking masculinized on meals per day and were suffering from migraine was found that the lack of magnesium had a role in migraine, and it can be for patients with migraine with the multiplication of purslane and meals.
* Hashish healing or tansy TANSY
Hawalli, a herbal plant known scientifically as TANACETUM VULGARIS This plant is similar in its impact where the impact of hashish fever has Albarthenolaidz which prevents sister, pregnant women should not use the hashish plant healing, and there is of this plant products in the domestic market.
* THYME Thyme
Already talking about the thyme, but here we are talking about Koaq good tension-type headaches world says John Hezman author of the Encyclopedia Hinirman of fruits, vegetables and herbs that drinking a preparation component of teaspoon of powdered thyme to fill the cup of water has been boiled once or twice a day helps stop the muscle tension in the neck, shoulders and back of the head, which caused tension-type headache.
* Honey pure
: Once the sister symptoms of eating a tablespoon of pure honey, where the pain disappears after about half an hour, it is known that pure honey bees dwelling in the body as well as a treatment suitable for all kinds of headaches, including migraine.
* Vinegar water vapor:
This is another way in the treatment of migraine, which is based on the inhalation For this purpose, is placed a mixture Mtnasf of vinegar and water in a pot on the fire to the boil, and spreading vapor in the air and harms the person who suffers from migraine face over the steam and inhale about 75 Nhqp the pain of migraine tapered off until disappear completely at the completion of inhalation, and if returned migraine again, the Nuba are much lower than the first time and repeat the process of inhalation until interrupted sister.
* Hasa Albanians ROSEMARY
Herbaceous plant Muammar also known as the crown of the mountain is aromatic plant is grown in gardens and used by the Europeans on a large scale and is one of the plants common to them, contains plant Hasa ban on the volatile oil and the most important compounds Alsceniol, camphor and Albornillol addition to the materials Afsip and soap and organic acids, using plant Hasa Albanians who attend the addition of fifty grams of plant leaves, which is *****alent to a tablespoon of the papers to fill the cup of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes, then drain and drink once a day, can also be inhaled fumes water vapor after placing the leaves in boiling water.
* Primrose
COWSLIP herbal plant wrote about William Shakespeare and I’m Jenson, where they said this source of plant quality, which contains a pain killer, which is the natural source of aspirin, this plant is widespread in Europe and Siberia and West Asia and North Africa, if you attended the tea of ​​this plant, especially of flowers and mix with honey and lemon juice The best cure for migraine, there is this plant in the shops Perfumery and can be requested from the companies selling health food.
* Chrysanthemum CHRYSANTHEMUM
In India and China uses the citizens of that country tea made from flowers, plant a daisy for the treatment of tension-type headaches as taking a medium spoon of flowers dry and placed in the cup filled with boiling water and boil for 10 minutes then strain and drink two to three times a day, no bags, tea Chrysanthemum Flowers are sold in Most health food stores.
* The roots of birch BIRCH ROOTS plant birch leaf tree is loaded and used the roots of this plant on a large scale by the American Indians to treat migraine headaches, take one teaspoon of powder of roots and immersed in a glass of water has been boiled and left for 10 minutes without fuss and then filtered out and drink once a day.
* Angelica blueberry CHINESE ANGEICA
Use Chinese Angelica that they know the name Dong-ACT (DONG QUAI) for the treatment of migraine, where they work tea from the roots of the plant where they take a number of large pieces of roots and placed in two cups of water that has been boiled and left for 10 minutes without a cover and drink this product in two times in the morning and once in the evening.

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