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Whelp, happy New Years to me good

Whelp, happy New Years to me good ، Whelp, happy New Years to me good

Was in the Blarney Stone on 48th/8th and I had my camera stolen in about half a second when I turned around to fuck with the juke box. This was about 2AM new years day, haven’t posted about it cause I feel like a huge moron.

7d (4 months old, still paying it off on my BBY credit card)
Best Buy Performance Service Plan on camera body (worth ~$400)
17-55 f/2.8is USM
Kingston Extreme III CF card.

Renters insurance ftmfw. $250 deductible. Police report filed, insurance contacted, just waiting to hear back from the detectives on the investigation and the insurance claims people. This is classified as a Grand Larceny due to value of goods. Bar was packed, I doubt they’ll find who did it despite the fact that there are vid cameras everywhere in that place.

When the money comes in, should I upgrade to a 5dII?

Source of

يســــــــــــلمؤِ يآلغلآ

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