بحث عن نهر ط§ظ„ظ†ظٹظ„ ط¨ط§ظ„ظ„ط؛ط© ط§ظ„ط§ظ†ط¬ظ„ظٹط²ظٹط© بلانجليزي
Nile the longest river in the globe, is located in the continent of Africa and flows to the north, which has tributaries of Presidents of the White Nile and Blue Nile flows of the White Nile in the Great Lakes region in Central Africa, beyond the source is found in southern Rwanda at coordinates 2 ° 16’55 .92 "S 29 ° 19’52 .32 "E / -2.2822, 29.3312, and being from the north to Lake Victoria, Tanzania, to Uganda and South Sudan, while the Blue Nile starts at Lake Tana in Ethiopia at coordinates 12 ° 2’8 .8" N 37 ° 15 ‘ 53.11 "E / 12.035778, 37.2647528, and then going to the Sudan from the south-east then rivers meet near the Sudanese capital Khartoum.
The total length of the river 6650 km (4132 miles). Nile Basin covers an area of 3.4 million km ², and passes on track nine African countries known as the Nile Basin countries.
The total length of the river 6650 km (4132 miles). Nile Basin covers an area of 3.4 million km ², and passes on track nine African countries known as the Nile Basin countries.
Reflects the Nile Sudanese border, Egyptian, and continues its course in Egypt along the 270 km (170 miles) until it reaches Lake Nasser -) – an artificial lake located behind the High Dam. Starting in 1998 broke some parts of the lake west of Western Sahara to form lakes Toshka
And return to the original track in Lake Nasser, the Nile leaves the lake and heading north, until it reaches the Mediterranean Sea. Along this path, the Branch is part of the river at Assiut, called the Bahr Youssef, and will continue until up to the Fayoum.
And up the Nile River to the far north of Egypt, to fork into two branches: the Damietta branch east and the Rosetta Branch to the west, hemming in between the two Nile Delta (in English: They are on top of the list of the delta in the world, and hurt the Nile in the end through these sections in the Mediterranean Sea, ending its course long East-Central Africa and even the north.
And return to the original track in Lake Nasser, the Nile leaves the lake and heading north, until it reaches the Mediterranean Sea. Along this path, the Branch is part of the river at Assiut, called the Bahr Youssef, and will continue until up to the Fayoum.
And up the Nile River to the far north of Egypt, to fork into two branches: the Damietta branch east and the Rosetta Branch to the west, hemming in between the two Nile Delta (in English: They are on top of the list of the delta in the world, and hurt the Nile in the end through these sections in the Mediterranean Sea, ending its course long East-Central Africa and even the north.
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