Noob with a camera good 2024.

Noob with a camera good ، Noob with a camera good

So for Christmas I got a new DSLR, Canon Rebel XS, in the past I worked with SLRs for about 4 years. Had to sell old film camera for bills for college, etc. Its been about 3 years since I’ve used SLR kind of camera. Trying to get back into photography for college (possible minor? maybe?). But give me some tips and tricks.

These are some of the pictures I’ve taken over my semester break. What do you think? Don’t be afraid to be harsh.
























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الله يعطيكِ آلعآفية

يعطيك العافيه غلاتي ,,

i found a picture of jcolman’s christmas tree good 2024.

i found a picture of jcolman’s christmas tree good ، i found a picture of jcolman’s christmas tree good


OK, OK, a little late—we know. But this photog’s holiday miracle is worth seeing. A lavish (and massively expensive) assemblage of tripods, cameras, lenses, and lighting, the "tree" will probably take you until Christmas 2045 to afford anyway.

The project was actually put together by BorrowLenses, the same photographic rogues who made the teetering makeshift mooncam from last week. The full anatomy of the festive camera tower are as follows:

Top: 8 D3/D3s/D3x camera bodies with 24-70 f/2.8 lenses
Middle: 8 Canon 5D Mark II camera bodies with 70-200 f/2.8 L IS II or 300 f/2.8 L lenses, and 580 EX II speedlights
Bottom: Two Canon 600 f/4 super-teles, and three Nikon 200-400 f/4 Super-teles.
Lighting: Arri Locaster LED lighting kit, Litepanels LEDs
Ornaments: Gary Fong Lightsphere Diffuser


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يســـــــــــــلمؤِـؤِ غآليتيِ

So i’m headed to the Ambassador of India’s house tomorrow for dinner good 2024.

So i’m headed to the Ambassador of India’s house tomorrow for dinner good ، So i’m headed to the Ambassador of India’s house tomorrow for dinner good

it’s a Christmas dinner, and dammit I’m going to try and bring my camera

pics later!

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يســـــلمؤِ يآلغلآ

يسسسسسسسسسلمو يآلغلآ ..


موضوع تعبير باللغة الانجليزية عن السفر 2024.

موضوع طھط¹ط¨ظٹط± ط¨ط§ظ„ظ„ط؛ط© ط§ظ„ط§ظ†ط¬ظ„ظٹط²ظٹط© عن السفر

تفضلي أختي ..
Traveling helps to enrich our lives. It increases our knowledge and widens our perspective. When we visit interesting places, we discover and learn many things. We discover new people, surroundings, plants and animals. If we want to make our travels more exciting and challenging, we can choose to plan our own and select the specific places we want to visit. Traveling not only provides us fun and adventure, it also provides us marvelous insights and enlightens our minds.

Traveling provide opportunities for us to share our happiness with our friends and family. When we travel with our friends and family, we create memories that would last a lifetime. It is indeed a joyful thing to share the experience of a with those we love. Giving them a wonderful traveling experience far outweighs the benefit of buying presents for them. Goods have a limited life span, whereas memories last forever.

تعبير باللغة الانجليزية عن المملكة العربية السعودية
موضوع تعبير باللغة الانجليزية عن المظاهرات
تعبير عن مدينة الرياض ، موضوع تعبير عن مدينة الرياض باللغة
موضوع تعبير عن الاجازة و العطلة النصفية و الصيفية بالعربي و
موضوع تعبير عن البحر تعبير انجليزي عن البحر

تســـــــــــــلمين غلاي

الف شكر لتشريفك مشاركتي

قواعد الظروف في اللغة الاسبيرانتو 2024.

قواعد ط§ظ„ط¸ط±ظˆظپ في ط§ظ„ظ„ط؛ط© الاسبيرانتو

قواعد الظروف في الاسبيرانتو

تعلم ظ‚ظˆط§ط¹ط¯ الظروف في ط§ظ„ط§ط³ط¨ظٹط±ط§ظ†طھظˆ هو أمر مهم للغاية، بدونه سوف تواجه بعض الصعوبات في التعبير بالاسبيرانتو.
قواعد مهمة:
الظروف الاسبيرانتو هي كلمات تغير أي كلمة أخرى ما عدى الاسماء. الظروف تغير الافعال و النعوت و غيرها. هناك ظروف المكان و الزمان و الكيفية و التردد.

هذه بعض الأمثلة:
الظروف بالعربية Esperanto Adverbs / الظروف في الاسبيرانتو
: ظروف adverboj
أقرأ كتابا احيانا Mi legis libron foje
أنا لن أدخّن ابدا Mi neniam fumos
هل أنت وحدك؟ vi estas sola?

هل لاحظت كيف تستعمل الظروف في الأمثلة أعلاه؟ حاول التعرف على الظروف في هذه الجمل و حاول إعادة تركيبها في سياق أخر.
لائحة الظروف في الاسبيرانتو

هذه لائحة الظروف في الاسبيرانتو، مثلا الظروف بما فيها المكان ، الزمان و الكيفية تم وضعها هنا لكي تتمكن من قراءتها و حفضها أيضا. لأن الوسيلة الأكثر نجاحا في تعلم اللغات هي معرفة إستعمال المفردات لكن أيضا حفضهم. نفس الشيء يجب فعله في اللغة الاسبيرانتو.
الظروف بالعربية Esperanto Adverbs
ظروف الزمن adverboj de tempo
أمس hieraŭ
اليوم hodiaŭ
غدا morgaŭ
الآن nun
ثم tiam
فيما بعد pli malfrue
هذه الليلة ĉinokte
في الوقت الحالي tuj
ليلة أمس hieraŭ nokte
هذا الصباح hodiaŭ matene
الأسبوع المقبل venontsemajne
سابقا jam
مؤخرا lastatempe
في الأونة الأخيرة lastatempe
قريبا baldaŭ
فورا tuj
لا يزال ankoraŭ
بعد ankoraŭ
منذ antaŭ

ظروف مكان adverboj de loko
هنا ĉi tie, tie ĉi
هناك tie
هنالك tien
في كل مكان ĉie
في أي مكان ie ajn
لا مكان nenie
منزل hejmen
بعيدا for
خارج eksteren

ظروف الطريقة adverboj de maniero
جدا tre
تماما tre
جميل sufiĉe
حقا vere
سريع rapide
جيد bone
صعب malfacile
بسرعة rapide
ببطء malrapide
بعناية zorgeme
بالكاد apenaŭ
بالكاد apenaŭ
في الغالب plejparte
تقريبا preskaŭ
إطلاقا absolute
معا kune
وحده sole

ظروف العادة adverboj de ofteco
دائما ĉiam
كثيرا ofte
عادة kutime
أحيانا foje, kelkfoje, fojfoje
في المناسبات foje, kelkfoje, fojfoje
نادرا ما malofte
نادرا malofte
أبدا neniam

كما تلاحظ، الظروف بما فيها المكان ، الزمان و الكيفية لهم دور مهم. لذلك يجب إعطاءهم أولوية عند تعلم اللغة الاسبيرانتو. إذا إنتهيت من هذه الصفحة و أردت دروس أخرى تصفح صفحتنا الرئيسية حول تعلم الاسبيرانتو. يمكنك أيضا إرسال هذه الصفحة لنفسك أو لصديق عبر الضغط على الواسطة أسفله.

تســـــــــــــلمين غلاي

يعطيك العافية وبالتوفيق ان شاءالله

Deciding I don’t need to upgrade to a body any longer . good 2024.

Deciding I don’t need to upgrade to a body any longer… good ، Deciding I don’t need to upgrade to a body any longer… good

For the time I’ve been working at a portrait studio, I’ve come to a realization that body doesn’t mean everything. They use a 40D w/ a 28-200mm and a 400 watt strobe… and still have enough business and client-ale to bring in revenue. So that got me thinking…

"Do I really need to upgrade my XT anyway?"

The answer, no.

I have 2 batteries already so I can get a battery grip, I’ve got a 8mp camera (studio uses 10) and can get off camera lighting with some really good glass. I don’t know what the infatuation was all about when I THOUGHT I needed a bigger body with higher megapixels. It seems silly now, I don’t shoot sports, I haven’t done a concert in a while (at night) so FPS isn’t a big deal. I’ve tried to get away from noise also…

And 8 megapixels, with a sharp lens, should produce good sizes, should anyone need to print. However, since it’s all digital, it may not matter all that much.

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Thank you

Tutorial for Lightroom 3 HDR? good 2024.

Tutorial for Lightroom 3 HDR? good ، Tutorial for Lightroom 3 HDR? good

I’m trying to decide which to buy..Aperture or Lightroom 3. Aperture is easy to use..I merged my first HDR image pretty easily, but holy shit was it slow as balls. I’m running it on a blackbook with 4gb RAM, and it hangs like a motherfucker.

So now I’m trying to try LR3 and I can’t figure out wtf I’m doing. Tutorials online say I need CS3? Where can I read about how to do all that shit from the start?

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مشـــــكوِـرِة يآلغلآ

When OT and shooting collide V.HorseHead Edition good 2024.

When OT and shooting collide V.HorseHead Edition good ، When OT and shooting collide V.HorseHead Edition good

I kept on seeing these things on OT during Halloween, knew I needed one, and bought immediately.

Then I shot a roll of film yesterday around Calgary.

Now I can’t stop laughing.









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Thank you

موضوع تعبير باللغة الانجليزية عن الاختبارات 2024.

موضوع طھط¹ط¨ظٹط± ط¨ط§ظ„ظ„ط؛ط© ط§ظ„ط§ظ†ط¬ظ„ظٹط²ظٹط© عن الاختبارات


There is no doubt that the phenomenon of serious fraud and outrageous conduct. And fraud have multiple pictures, and a variety of forms,
And this investigation will be limited to cheating in exams, which became complain many of the educators and the spread of the disease. And this is right, the phenomenon of cheating began to take in the proliferation, not at the level of primary, but went even further to the middle and high school and university.
How many students presented a paper in which he has not only his name on the cover. And how much of a student presented a project and does not know anything about it

Q virtuous teacher in your view what are the reasons for the feet of some students to cheat in exams?
My daughter, the creation of a shameful fraud, and causes:
1 – weak in faith:

If the hearts filled with faith in God can not be made on the fraud and is learning that God angry.
Can not hearts filled with love of God to provide the work and know that it is the anger of God.
2 – Lack of Education:
Especially by parents or other teachers or mentors
We do not see a father sitting with his son to advise him and reminded him of the sanctity of fraud, and explain to him the effects and consequences, but an exclamation of some parents that if I spoke of him directly: Why, do you cheat my son?
But maybe if signed by the Son in the Observer, the man came to defend him unlawfully.
3 – adorn the Devil: Satan is decorated with many of the students that the questions will be difficult, and there is no way to resolve and success in exams but Balbrcham and fraud.
Long times the remuneration Albrasim in writing, and the invention of tricks and ways to cheat; what do if a tenth of that time studying in focus would have been successful the first.
4 – laziness and personal weakness: she believes that many of his fellow students see the beginning of the year and they find and Ivakron and are preparing themselves for the final test, and it is not only are his play and fun.
If you see the final exams came to ask for help, and asked if it was successful and on the backs of others and if it is cheating
The trick is cheating and lazy, and it is through the losers.
A guide to personal weakness that you where cheating does not find confidence in himself that he is able to transcend himself and his exams and remember the lessons alone, and then answer based on Mmakrth.
5 – Fear of failure:
The fear of failure, fear of failure causes continuing concern for many students, making them resort to cheating as a way to survive.
Q What are the effects?
To cheat many negative effects Take, for example, is not limited to:

1 – It is the reason for the delay in the nation, and lack of progress and lack of advancement, and that n is not the nations do not apply only to science and the young learner, if young people do not get academic degrees only cheating, tell me Break: What will result in us these students cheaters?
What is the concern which holds one of them?
What is the role it would play in nation-building?
None, but his main concern too; function that certificate counterfeit eat them his strength and his living
They do not have to provide something benefit the nation, or even thinking of that.
And thus remain the nation is not progressing because of those Algchp them
And hopes to look to reality: We see that very evident, the number of students graduating each year, but thousands of them say Lord, we invent, or discover, or submit a project beneficial to the nation, a few negligible.

2 – to deceitful position will be tomorrow, or be a teacher and therefore will exercise Gshh of the nation, but maybe science students cheating.

3 – those who cheat will commit several offenses – in addition to the crime of fraud – including theft, and deception, and lying, and underestimate the greatest of God, and the left Sincerity, and the left depending on God ..
4 – The function obtained by this certificate is forged, or obtained by fraud will be prohibited her salary, and whatever body that is nourished first by the Fire is forbidden.

Q. Finally, do you see how to overcome this problem?

School is not the only educational institution responsible for the treatment of this phenomenon, so it was not everyone’s cooperation in resisting Tha each according to his best and he can:
The father advised his sons in his home and guide them and warn them from time to time, and the other.
And teacher and mentor at the school and the university all the preaching and guidance.
They need to form committees that studied this phenomenon and its causes and how to cure them
. . . .

Finally ask advice?

My daughter: to remember all the words of the Prophet peace be upon him: (from fraud is not from us) Bukhari
Observe that the Prophet said: (from fraud) to include all forms of fraud, big and vile,
Legitimacy in the articles or foreign, all within the modern.
Does that satisfy you disown the Prophet, peace be upon him.

My teacher, thank you, Praise be to Allaah,,,

تعبير عن الغش في الاختبار ، موضوع تعبير عن الغش في الاختبارات

تســـــــــــــلمين غلاي