Canon will now add locking mode dial to your 5DM2 or 7D…for 0 good ، Canon will now add locking mode dial to your 5DM2 or 7D…for $100 good
Oh, sure — Pentax may have thrown one in gratis on its K-7, and Nikon has done the same on its D3S, but none of that really matters if you’re the proud owner of a Canon, now does it? For those fed up with accidentally moving their mode dial during a critical shoot, Canon is now offering a chargeable service for the EOS 5D Mark II and EOS 7D cameras. For the tidy sum of $100, the outfit will install a Mode Dial with a center-located lock button — the goal here is to prevent the wheel from moving during "normal camera operation," while simultaneously milking an extra Benjamin out of the outfit’s loyal customer base. ‘Course, there’s a glass half-full / half-empty way to look at this. You could bang on Canon for not including this from day one, or you could be grateful to have the option at all. Your move, cynic.…-mark-ii-or-7/
Effective December 6, 2024, Canon will start to provide as a chargeable service, a locking mode dial modification for the “EOS 5D MarkII” and “EOS 7D” digital single-lens reflex cameras.
This modification is available, for a fee, to owners of these cameras who would prefer a Mode Dial which locks in place and can’t be accidentally moved during normal camera operation.
For USA residents, the pricing of the locking mode dial modification service for EOS 5D Mark II and 7D cameras has been set at $100 per camera as of December, 2024. (Pricing and availability subject to change without notice.) For further details, see contact information for inquiries below.
Once modified, users must first press and hold down the central lock-release button in order to turn the Mode Dial. The modification is intended to prevent the Mode Dial from accidentally moving, once set to a particular exposure mode by the user.
Applicable Products
EOS 5D Mark II Digital SLR Cameras
EOS 7D Digital SLR Cameras…e0248024 5968
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