lighting crew: 2x 600ws vs 1x 1200ws good 2024.

lighting crew: 2x 600ws vs 1x 1200ws good ، lighting crew: 2x 600ws vs 1x 1200ws good

I’ve only ever really used one light, and then hotshoe flashes for hair lights and accents, so the world of two lights is new to me

If I have two 600ws heads, and use that to light up one subject, is that effectively the same as using one 1200ws head to light them up?

Specifically if I am shooting in mid day sun, can I use the two 600ws strobes to overpower the sun, the same way that I can use the one 1200ws strobe to overpower the sun?
Lets just say I can shoot at f/18 at full power on the 1200ws with one strobe pointed at the model, can I shoot at f/18 with a 600ws strobe on each side of the model?


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