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Maternity shoot good

Maternity shoot good ، Maternity shoot good

Got a call a few months ago from a girl that my wife and I used to go to school with. She was pregnant and wanted some maternity pictures done… I convinced her to wait until a few weeks before she was due, and I’m glad I did.. I don’t think there would have been much "bump" if we shot when she originally called. This was just their preview… i’ve got quite a few more from the shoot I need to finish editing.

they haven’t named the baby yet hence "baby S"

we shot at her grandparents cabin.. it was amazing… her grandfather took several original log homes from around the county, tore them down and rebuilt them into their home… place was awesome, and afforded us with some spectacular light.


moved to lighting with a single softbox


then added a hard rim light

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مشكورة يا غلا ..

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