Recreating this shot? good 2024.

Recreating this shot? good ، Recreating this shot? good

I’m shooting my first "big" wedding on Saturday and I’m going through trying to plan some shots. There’s a shot I’ve seen lots of variations on that I’m trying to figure out the most foolproof way of accomplishing it. (The shot on the right.)

Taken from

You guys that have done this type of shot, what did you find was the easiest/most reliable way to accomplish this?

I’m shooting solo, so I was thinking of using a 550EX on a light stand and a 580EX II on camera for a master and fill light. I’m going to be testing this out tonight after Thanksgiving supper, but is the IR going to work when blocked by the B/G? I’d like to use E-TTL just so I don’t have to run and adjust the power if it’s not quite right.

Any advice from people that have done this type of shot? Thanks! :wavey:

Thank you

تســــلمينِ عزِيزِتيِ