4 pictures from last night’s wedding I second shot good 2024.

4 pictures from last night’s wedding I second shot good ، 4 pictures from last night’s wedding I second shot good

"natural light" photog friend admits she was afraid of lights, then she booked a wedding in the darkest venue I’d even shot in. When she realized it was a good idea to learn about lighting, she asked me for help.

So last night, with my limited knowledge, I went and helped her in this renovated theater w/ dark walls, black ceiling, and NO windows… which didn’t really matter since it was a night wedding anyway. Now that she’s seen the light (get it, the light? :mamoru:) she’s hooked. She wants to learn more and incorporate it into her weddings.

Anyway, here’s 4 pics I took from last night. Didn’t do much other than just help out and explain the basics lighting and power settings to her. let me know what you guys think.

these first two are natural light… i just like how they turned out. 😮



my favorite of the night

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Thank you

تســــلمينِ عزِيزِتيِ

My second video testing the D7000 good 2024.

My second video testing the D7000 good ، My second video testing the D7000 good


The de******ion is in the video, hope you guys like it.

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يســـــــــــلمؤِـؤِ غنآتيِ