how the fuck do you direct a model when using a 70-200? good 2024.

how the fuck do you direct a model when using a 70-200? good ، how the fuck do you direct a model when using a 70-200? good

i did a beach shoot today and used a 70-200 lens
but when i was directing the model, she couldn’t hear me
and i’d have to get up and walk closer to her every time i needed her to change something

am i the only one that has this problem?

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يســــــــــــــلمؤِ يآلغلآ

Uploading to facebook using LR3 good 2024.

Uploading to facebook using LR3 good ، Uploading to facebook using LR3 good

Is there a way to default comment to Camera type and lens used instead of [filename].jpg?

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Thank you

Anybody using PhotoSIG? good 2024.

Anybody using PhotoSIG? good ، Anybody using PhotoSIG? good

I’ve been a member there for ~5 years or so and have found it to be a fantastic tool for brushing up on critiques and building an openness (or thick skin) to constructive criticism.

Unlike Flickr, it’s not a photo sharing site where you just get a bunch of people saying "OMG, THIS PHOTO IS SOOOOO AMAZING" or "I’m an administrator for a group called EXEMPLARY IMAGES OF COPULATING SEA LIONS and would love to have your image added to the group!" Instead, you get (most of the time) useful critique and commentary on your work. It’s a pretty great thing, especially since there are so many people that use it, there’s almost always a fresh set of eyeballs on your stuff.

So here’s the cool part- you have to write critiques in order to post images. You HAVE to participate in order to show your work, so at least someone will have something to say about your stuff. It’s pretty cool IMO.

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