Week 2 of working in a portrait studio . good 2024.

Week 2 of working in a portrait studio… good ، Week 2 of working in a portrait studio… good

I’ve gotten behind the camera this past week and the beginning of this week, and it’s quite interesting.

First thing, the company uses LIVE VIEW to take the photo (not sure exactly why) but to each their own (makes me miss the viewfinder…) — so we can see the backgrounds/poses that people are doing.

Secondly, a white/black back drop is really quite universal, it’s amazing how something so basic, can turn out good at the end (when cropping has been done and all)

Posing people is kind of difficult at this point, I haven’t quite figured it out. But we do have a posing guide which we do sell to our customers at the end. They want to get a range of poses that range from full length (head to toe) to close ups (like headshots) — getting kids attention to look at the camera is the hardest so far, because I don’t like kids in general…

It’s challenging work and sometimes I’ve doubted if I should take this, but honestly it’s going to be such a rewarding job in the long run. Eventually I’ll be "master of my domain" if I may, and everything will feel like second nature.

Thanks for reading :wavey:

يســـــــــــــلمؤِ غنآإِتيِ

Thank you

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