بحث باللغة الانجليزية عن الديناصورات جاهز و كامل 2024.

بحث ط¨ط§ظ„ظ„ط؛ط© ط§ظ„ط§ظ†ط¬ظ„ظٹط²ظٹط© عن ط§ظ„ط¯ظٹظ†ط§طµظˆط±ط§طھ ط¬ط§ظ‡ط² و كامل

Few subjects in the Earth sciences are as fascinating to the public as dinosaurs. The study of dinosaurs stretches our imaginations, gives us new perspectives on time and space, and invites us to discover worlds very different from our modern Earth.

From a scientific viewpoint, however, the study of dinosaurs is important both for understanding the causes of past major extinctions of land animals and for understanding the changes in biological diversity caused by previous geological and climatic changes of the Earth. These changes are still occurring today. A wealth of new information about dinosaurs has been learned over the past 30 years, and science’s old ideas of dinosaurs as slow, clumsy beasts have been totally turned around. This pamphlet contains answers to some frequently asked questions about dinosaurs, with current ideas and evidence to correct some long-lived popular misconceptions. Although much has been discovered recently about dinosaurs, there is still a great deal more to learn about our planet and its ancient inhabitants.

متى ظهر الداينصور لاول مرة على الارض
When did the dinosaurs first appear on Earth?
The oldest dinosaur types are known from rocks in Argentina and Brazil and are about 230 million years old. The most primitive of these types, Eoraptor, was a small meat-eating dinosaur. Because Eoraptor’s skeleton shows some advanced skeletal features, older dinosaurs may yet be found.

هل عاش وتواجد الناس والداينصورات في نفس الزمن؟
Did people and dinosaurs live at the same time?
No! After the dinosaurs died out, nearly 65 million years passed before people appeared on Earth. However, small mammals (including shrew-sized primates) were alive at the time of the dinosaurs. Many scientists who study dinosaurs (vertebrate paleontologists) now think that birds are direct descendants of one line of carnivorous dinosaurs, and some consider that they in fact represent modern living dinosaurs. This theory remains under discussion and shows that there is still much we don’t know about dinosaurs.

كيف بدات تسمية الداينصور
How are dinosaurs named?
Dinosaurs generally are named after a characteristic body feature, after the place where they were found, or after a person involved in the discovery. Usually the name consists of two Greek or Latin words (or combinations); in order, these are the genus (plural, genera) and the species name. For example, the Greek and Latin combination (binomen) Tyrannosaurus rex means "king of the tyrant lizards." Biologists name modern animals exactly the same way. Some examples include humans (Homo sapiens), domestic dogs (Canis familiaris), golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos), box turtles (Terrapene carolina), and rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus).

كم تبلغ معدل حياة الداينصور
How long could a dinosaur live?
Animal lifespans relate in part to their body size and in part to their type of ****bolism. Dinosaur lifespans probably varied in length from tens of years to hundreds of years. Their possible maximum age can be estimated from the maximum lifespans of modern reptiles, such as the 66-year lifespan of the common alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) and the impressive lifespan of a Black Seychelles Tortoise (Geochelone (Aldabrachelys) sumeirei). One specimen of this now-extinct species, which was an adult when captured, lived a record 152 years in captivity (1766-1918) and had an accidental death. These estimates, based on lifespans of cold-blooded animals, would be too long if dinosaurs had ****bolisms more similar to modern birds and mammals.

ماذا يأكل الداينصور
What did dinosaurs eat?
Some dinosaurs ate lizards, turtles, eggs, or early mammals. Some hunted other dinosaurs or scavenged dead animals. Most, however, ate plants (but not grass, which hadn’t evolved yet). Rocks that contains dinosaur bones also contain fossil pollen and spores that indicate hundreds to thousands of types of plants existed during the Mesozoic Era. Many of these plants had edible leaves, including evergreen conifers (pine trees, redwoods, and their relatives), ferns, mosses, horsetail rushes, cycads, ginkos, and in the latter part of the dinosaur age flowering (fruiting) plants. Although the exact time of origin for flowering plants is still uncertain, the last of the dinosaurs certainly had fruit available to eat

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يســــــــلمؤِ غنآتيِ

مشكووووووره والله يعطيك الف عافيه

Thank you

كلمات تركية للسفر مهمه جدا للسفر و للمسافر 2024.

كلمات طھط±ظƒظٹط© ظ„ظ„ط³ظپط± ظ…ظ‡ظ…ظ‡ جدا للسفر و للمسافر

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الى جميع اعضاء المنتدي الكرام
لقد جلبت لكم بعض الكلام التركي لان الاتراك قليلا ما يعرفون العربية اة الانجليزية .

ايييييييم = طيب!!

أيام الأسبوع

السبت جماأرتسي Cumartesi

الاحد بازار Pazar

الاثنين بازارتسي Pazartesi

الثلاثاء صاله Sali

الأربعاء تشار شامبا Carsamba

الخميس برشمبة Persembe

الجمعة جما Cuma


واحد =========== بير ============ Bir

اثنان =========== ايكي ============ Iki

ثلاثة =========== اج ============ Uc

أربعة =========== درت ============ Dort

خمسة =========== بش ============ Bes

ستة =========== ألتي============ Alti

سبعة =========== يدي ============ Yedi

ثمانية =========== سكيز ============ Sekiz

تسعة =========== دوقوز ============ Dokuz

عشرة =========== أون============ on

في التاكسي

أريد سيارة تاكسي
بر تاكسي استيورم

كم أجرة الكيلومتر الواحد
كيلومترسي كاتش ليرة تتار

كم من الوقت يلزمنا للوصور إلى…………
اولاشماك إتشين نة كادار واكيت لازم

انتظرني سأعود
بني بكلة دونجيم

من فضلك لاتسرع فالموت اسرع
لتفاً هزله سرمة اولم داها ياكن

قف هنا من فضلك
لتفا برادا درن

اتجة إلى اليمين
ساغا دون

اتجة إلى اليسار
صولا دون

أريد صيدلية
أجزانة إستيورم

أريد سوقاً للألبسة
أبيسة تشارشسة إستيورم

الطعام والشراب وفي المطعم
عربي————— تركي
ثلج————————— بوز
بالهناء والعافية————– عفية أولسُن
لطلب الحساب—————- حساب ( نفسها )
منديل ———————– منديل
النادل————–جرسون garson
لجذب انتباه النادل—————باكارميسينيز bakarmısıniz
الإفطار ———- كاهوالتيkahvaltı
الغداء ———- أولى يميكöğle yemeği
العشاء ———- أخشم يميكakşam yemeği
طعام ———- يميكyemek

صحن ———— طبقtabak
شوكة ———- شَتِلçatal
ملعقة ———- خاشوجkaşık
سكينة ———- بوتشكbıçak
كاسة ———- بردكbardak
زبدية ———- كاسةkase
ماء ———- سوsu
حليب ———- سوتsüt
عصير(X) ———- (X ) سويوsuyu
شاي ———— شايçay
سكر ———- شِكِرşeker
قهوة ———— قهوةkahve
آيس كريم ———– دوندورمةdondurma
حلى ———– تطليtatlı
كيك ———– باستاpasta

سلطة ———— سلطةsalata
بصل ———– صُوانsoğan
ثوم ———– ساريمساكsarimsak
فلفل ———– بيبَرbibir
فلفل أحمر (بودرة)———- كورموزي بيبرkırmızi biber
كرنب ———– لهانا lahan
خيار ———- سلطة لِكsalatalık
طماطم ———– دوميتَسdomates
جزر ———– هاوتشhavuç
خس ———– مارولmarul
بطاطس ———– بطاطسpatates
ليمون ———- ليمونlemon
ملح ———- توزtuz
فلفل أسود ———- كارا بيبرkarabiber
زعتر ———- كيكيك (أو كيتشك)kekek

عسل ——— بالbal
زبدة ——— تيريايteryaği
بيض ——— يومورتاymurta
أومليت ———— أومليت omlet
رز ———- بيلاوpilav
خبز ———- إكميكekmek
شوربة ———- شوربةçorba
جبنة ———- بينيرpeynir
لبن زبادي ———- يورت (أو يوغورت) yoğurt
زيتون ———— زيتينzetin
زيت ———- يايyağ
فاصوليا ———– فاصولياfasulya
باذنجان ———– بتلجانpatlıcan
عدس ———– ميرجِمكmercimek
بازلاء ———- بازالياbezelye
طرشي ———— طرشوturşu
ذرة ———— مِسِرmısır
مكرونة ———– مكرونةmakarna
اسباغيتي ———— اسباغيتيspagetti
لحم ———— إتet
استيك ———— بفتيكbiftek
دجاج ———— طاووكtavuk
سمك ———— بالُكbalık
جمبري ———— قرديسkardies
تونة ———— تونton
ريش ———– بيرزولاpirzola
كفتة ———– كفتةkofte
محشي ———– دولمةdolma
مشوي ———– أوزجارا ızgara

فواكه ———— ميفيم meyvem
حبحب (بطيخ )———— خربوزkarpuz
شمام ———— كاوونkavun
موز———– موزmuz
خوخ ( لا يفوتكم ) ———– شوفتاليşeftai
عنب ———– أوزومüzüm
تفاح ———– إلماelma
برتقال———— برتقالportakal
تين ————— إنجيرincir
أناناس ————- أناناسanans
توت ———— دوتdut
كستناء ————— كستانا kestane
رمان ————- نارnar
بندق ————- فندقfindık
جوز(عين الجمل) ————- جوزcevuz
خــــبــــز أكــــمــــك
مـــــــــاء صــــــــو
فــــطــــور كـاهـوالـتـيــه
بــــيــــض يــامــورتـــا
زيــــــــت سـيـفـي يـــاغ
ســــكــــر شــيـــكـــر
زبــــــــدة يـــــــــاغ
لــــحـــــم أت
عــــســــل بـــــــــال
ارز مـع الـدجـاج بيلاف أو ستو بيليتش
حــلـــيـــب ســــــــوت
شــــــــأي تــــشــــاي
بــــصــــل صـــوغـــان

طيب ما رايكم لو ذهبنا الى السوق
فقط الكلمة عربي ………… وكيف تنطق بالتركي :
ماثمن هذا ؟ ………………………. بنن فياته ندير .
هذا يعجبني ………………………. بون تشوك بياندوم .
هل استيع ان اجرب هذا ………………………. بونوا بكا بيلر ميم صعبة شويات اعرف
هل عندك ارخص منه ………………………. بو ندان داها اوزجوز ( اوزجوز رخيص )
ارني هذا لو سمحت ………………………. لوتفا بونو غو ستيرين .
شكرا ………………………. تشكورلار .
هذا عريض ………………………. بون غينيس .
هذا ثقيل ………………………. = آغري .
هذا خفيف ………………………. = زائيف .
هذا رخيص ………………………. = أوجوز .
هذا مرتفع السعر ………………………. تشك باهالي

الألـوان رون كلر

أبيـض بـيـاز
أحـمـر قرموزي
أخضـر يـاشـل
أزرق مــاوي
أســود سـيـاخ
أصفـر صـاره

السلام عليكم : سلامون عليكم

صباح الخير , لها معنيين : 1- قونايدن 2- آيي صباح لار
مااسمك , لها معنيين : 1- سانين آد إنّـا 2- سانين إسم إنّـا

كيف حالك : ناسلسنـز
حالي بخير الحمدلله : آيـيم
أشكرك : تشكر آداريم

الصفات :

بطيء = يـاواش
سريع = جابوق
حلو = تاتـلي
حامض = اكشي
جديد = يني = Yeni
قديم = اسكي Eski
كامل = تمام = Tamam
ناقص = اكسيك = Eksik
نظيف = تَميز = Temiz
وسخ = كيرلي = Kirli
طويل = اوزون = Uzun
قصير = قِصه = Kisa

(yok) يوك ————————————- لا يوجد
var وار —————————————- موجود
hayir هاير ————————————- لآ
değil دييل ———————————— للنفي
istiyorum استيورم ————————– اريد
istemiyorum استميورم ——————– لا أريد

تعلم اللغة التركية خطوه بخطوه بسهوووووووله
______________________________ __________

مَا يَلْفِظُ مِن قَوْلٍ إِلا لَدَيْهِ رَقِيبٌ عَتِيدٌ

سلام الله عليكم ورحمه وبركاته

لماذا اللغة التركية؟

كانت اللغة التركية تعتمد في كتابتها علي الحروف العربية، قبل ان يقول مصطفي كمال اتاتورك بتحويلها لحروف انجليزية الرسم.

فاللغه التركيه ليست بعيده عن اللغه العربيه في كثير منها . فهي تحتوي علي مايقرب من 40 % منها من العربيه ، كما انها تستند للعديد من الكلمات الانجليزية الاصل فيها . وغالبا ما تكون مصطلحات علميه او لاتينيه ، كما انها تشترك مع الفارسيه ايضا في العديد من الكلمات. الا ان جميعها تكتب بشكل الحروف الانجليزية.
فمثالا لذلك: صباح وتعني الصبح وتكتب

وايضا كلمه موز وهو نوع من الفواكه

وهكذا حتي لا اطيل في التقديم.

فتكتب جميعها بالانجليزية بالاضافه للاحرف التاليه
ğ ç ( اعلاه نقطتين0) ü ı ş
في مقابل الاستغناء عن

Q.. x.. w

وبذلك يصبح عدد حروف اللغة التركية 29 حرف. Turkish alphabet
نبدأ أولا بالحروف الجديده ç :ويقابل هذا الحرف في الانجليزية ch او اتش فمثالا لذلك
çay …وتعني شاي تنطق تشاي.

çok…وتعني كثير أو جدا وتنطق تشوك مع عدم الارتكاز علي حرف الواو.

ناتي لحرف اخر
Ş: ويقابله في الانجليزية sh او شـ بالعربيه فمثالا لذلك

Şeker…وتعني سكر وتنطق شكر بفتح الشين .

akŞam…وتعني المساء وتنطق اكشام.

aŞkim…وتعني حبيبي وتنطق اشكيام.

ونددرج بعد ذلك لنصل اليü:وهو حرف مرقق يقابل الهمزه باللغة العربية

ülfet: وتعني ألفت وهو اسم بالعربيه وتنطق ءألفت او أ’لفت.

teŞekkür: ومعناها شكرا وتنطق تشكأر او تشكور .

حرف اخر وهو
ğ : هذا الحرف ينطق بطريقتين مختلفتين
-فاذا اتي بعد الاحرف ü ı ( اعلاه نقطتين0) a فانه ينطق غ كحرف الغين في العربية مثلا لذلك
Dağ : وتعني جبل وتنطق داغ.
-اما اذا اتي بعد الاحرف o u i e فانه ينطق ي كحرف الياء في العربية. مثل كلمة
حرف اخر وهو
o(اعلاه نقطتين0): وينطق أو بالعربية.
omür: وتعني عمر (اسم) وتنطق أمور او أومور.
ı : وهو ما يقابل في الانجليزية حرف الـ e ولكنه مرققا
hayır: وتعني لا للنفي وتنطق هاير، وتساوي كلمه no بالانجليزية.
ناتي للأحرف المشابهه للاحرف الانجليزية
A : وينطق بتفخيم.
C: وينطق j وهو ما يساوي حرف جـ الجيم بالعربية. مثل كلمة
وتنطق جوما اي يوم الجمعة بالعربية.
E: وينطق a بدون تفخيم.
K: وينطق قـ حرف القاف بالعربية. مثل كلمة
وتنطق قلب اي قلب بالعربية .
T: وينطق تـ ، ط بالعربية. مثل كلمة
وتنطق كتاب اي كتاب بالعربية. وكلمة
وتنطق طبق اي طبق بالعربية ايضا.

V: وينطق و كحرف الواو بالعربية. مثل كلمة
وتنطق والله وتعني الحلف بالله.

هذا بالنسبه للاحرف الانجليزية ولكنها تتغير في النطق في اللغة التركية.

واتمني في كل مره ان نقدم محادثه كلما امكن.

فلنبدأ بمحادئه بسيطه.

rose: merhaba, benim adim rose.
ahmet: merhaba, benim adim ahmed. nasılsın
rose: Iyiyim, mamnun oldu. sen nasılsın
ahmet: teŞekkür ederim, bende iyiyim

بدأت روز الحديث عندما قابلت أحمد للمرة الاولي
فقالت: مرحبا ، اسمي روز.
فرد احمد قائلا: مرحبا روز، وانا اسمي أحمد. كيف حالك؟
فردت روز فقالت: انا بصحة جيدة، وتسرني مقابلتك. وانت كيف حالك؟
رد أحمد قائلا: اشكرك كثيرا، وانا ايضا بخير.

جيد أو بخير تعني iyi

بالتركية ايي.

ومرحبا merhaba
هي نفسها بالتركية. الا انها تكون بين الاصدقاء والاقارب مثل كلمة هاي hi بالانجليزية.

وشكرا teŞekkür ederim

بالتركية تشكر آدريم. حيث حرف الـe هو a مرققه بالتركية.

كيف حالك nasılsın

بالتركية وتنطق ناسيل سن.
اتمني ان تكون لغه شيقه

تســـــــــــــلمين غلاي

How many residents of Iran 2024.

How many residents of Iran
Number of ‘Iran’s population’ currently approximately 73 million people, a quarter under the age of 15 years

تســـــــــــــلمين غلاي

osama bin laden family tree 2024.

osama bin laden family tree

The bin Laden family (Arabic: بن لادن‎, bin Lādin), also spelled bin Ladin, is a wealthy family intimately connected with the innermost circles of the Saudi royal family. The family was thrown into media spotlight through the activities of one of its members, osama bin Laden. The financial interests of the bin Laden family are represented by the Saudi Binladin Group, a global oil and equity management conglomerate grossing $5 billion U.S. dollars annually, and one of the largest construction firms in the Islamic world, with offices in London and Geneva. According to an American diplomat, the bin Laden family owns part of Microsoft and Boeing among other companies.[1]
The family traces its origins to a poor, uneducated Hadhrami named Awad bin Laden, a Kendah tribesman from the village of Al Rubat, in the Wadi Doan in the Tarim Valley, Hadramout governorate, Yemen. He died in 1919. His son was Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden (died 1967). Mohammed bin Laden was a native of the Shafi`i (Sunni) Hadhramaut coast in southern Yemen and emigrated to Saudi Arabia prior to World War I. He set up a construction company and came to Abdul Aziz ibn Saud’s attention through construction projects, later being awarded contracts for major renovations at Mecca, where he made his initial fortune from exclusive rights to all mosque and other religious building construction not only in Saudi Arabia, but as far as Ibn Saud’s influence reached. Until his death, Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden had exclusive control over restorations at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. Soon the bin Laden corporate network extended far beyond construction sites.
Mohammed’s special intimacy with the monarchy was inherited by the younger bin Laden generation. Mohammed’s sons attended Victoria College, Alexandria, Egypt. Their schoolmates included King Hussein of Jordan, Zaid Al Rifai, the Kashoggi brothers (whose father was one of the king’s physicians), Kamal Adham (who ran the General Intelligence Directorate under King Faisal), present-day contractors Mohammed Al Attas, Fahd Shobokshi and Ghassan Sakr and actor Omar Sharif.
When Mohammed bin Laden died in 1967, his son Salem bin Laden took over the family enterprises, until his own accidental death in 1988. Salem was one of at least 54 children by various wives.

Family members

American and European intelligence officials estimate that all the relatives of the family may number as many as 600. In 1994, the bin Laden family disowned Osama and the Saudi government revoked his passport.[3] The Saudi government also stripped Osama bin Laden of his citizenship,[3] for publicly speaking out against them, after they permitted U.S. troops to be based in Saudi Arabia in preparation for the 1991 Gulf War.
The groupings of the family, based on the nationalities of the wives, include the most prominent "Saudi group", a "Syrian group", a "Lebanese group," and an "Egyptian group". The Egyptian group employs 40,000 people as that country’s largest private foreign investor. Osama bin Laden was born the only son of Muhammed bin Laden’s tenth wife,[4] Hamida al-Attas, who was of Syria origin,[5] making Osama a member of the Syrian group.
[edit] First generation

  • Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden (born c. 1908 in Hadhramaut) the family patriarch; before World War I, Muhammed, originally poor and uneducated, emigrated from Hadhramaut, on the south coast of Yemen, to the Red Sea port of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, where he began to work as a porter. Starting his own business in 1930, Muhammed built his fortune as a building contractor for the Saudi royal family during the 1950s. Married 22 times, with 54 children; Osama bin Laden was born as the 17th child. [Hamida al-Attas] (born in Syria) Muhammed’s 10th wife, and mother of Osama; divorced soon after Osama was born, and remarried Osama’s stepfather c. 1958.[4] In 1967 Mohammed was killed in an airplane crash in Saudi Arabia when his American pilot misjudged a landing.
  • Muhammad al-Attas Osama’s stepfather, in whose household Osama was raised at Jeddah; worked at the bin Laden company. The couple had four children, Osama’s three half-brothers and one half-sister.
  • Abdallah bin Laden, uncle of OBL; headed SBG, died in Medina, March 21, 2024, at age 75.[6] he also had over 24 children and was married 4 times.

[edit] Second generation

  • Salem bin Laden (born 1946) attended Millfield, the English boarding school; took over the family empire in 1967; an amateur rock guitarist in the 1970s; married an English art student, Caroline Carey, whose half brother Ambrose Douglas is the illegitimate eldest son of the Marquess of Queensberry in Scotland; was killed outside San Antonio, Texas in 1988, when an experimental ultralight plane that he was flying got tangled in power lines.
  • Tarek bin Laden, b. 1947; once called "the personification of the dichotomy (conservatism and change) of Saudi Arabia."[7]
  • Bakr bin Laden, succeeded Salem as chairman of the Saudi Binladin Group; major power broker in Jeddah.
  • Hassan bin Laden, senior vice president of the SBG.
  • Yehia bin Laden, also active in the SBG; in 2024 owned 16 percent of Cambridge, MA-based Hybridon, Inc.[8]
  • Mahrous bin Laden was implicated in the Grand Mosque Seizure, carried out by dissidents against the Saudi ruling family at the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, on November 20, 1979. This event shook the Muslim world with the ensuing violence and killing of hundreds at the holiest of Islamic sites. Trucks owned by the family were reported to have been used to smuggle arms into the tightly controlled city. The bin Laden connection was through the son of a Sultan of Yemen who had been radicalized by Syrian members of the Muslim Brotherhood. Mahrous was actually arrested for a time, but in the Saudi government response, he was not beheaded along with 63 others who were, their public executions broadcast on live Saudi television. Later exonerated, he joined the family business, and became manager of the Medina branch of the bin Laden enterprises, and a member of the board.
  • Osama bin Laden (born 1957 in Saudi Arabia, died 2 May 2024 in Pakistan) has claimed to have masterminded the September 11 attacks against the United States. Announced dead by US President Obama on May 2 2024.[9] He was one of the FBI Most Wanted Terrorists.
  • Najwa Ghanem (born c. 1960 in Syria) Osama’s first wife, married 1974; a first cousin, and his mother’s niece. She co-authored Growing Up bin Laden with her son Omar.
  • (shaikha) al-Attas (born c. 1960), half-sister of Osama, daughter of Hammida Al-Attas and Muhammad al-Attas, married Mohammed Jamal Khalifa. He was the founder of Benevolence International Foundation, in the Philippines in 1988. During this period, Khalifa is believed to have received large donations of cash from outside the country, some of which, intelligence officials suspect, may have been funnelled to him by Al Qaeda. He also ran the International Relations and Information Centre, by which embezzled money was funneled to Ramzi Yousef. In 1993, his business cards were found in the Jersey City, New Jersey apartment that Yousef stayed in while he was involved with the 1993 World Trade Center bombing plot. Khalifa was first arrested on December 14, 1994 in Mountain View, California, placed in solitary confinement and the contents of his luggage were logged and edited. In 1995 Khalifa was arrested in San Francisco on charges of violating United States immigration laws. He was detained while the Justice Department tried but failed to gather enough information to charge him in connection with suspected terrorist activities. Eventually, he was deported on May 5, 1995 to Jordan, which had an outstanding warrant for him on charges stemming from the bombing of movie theatres in Amman in 1994, for which he had been under a possible death sentence, convicted in absentia. His conviction was later overturned, in a new trial during which he was acquitted. In 1996, Khalifa returned to Saudi Arabia, where he was again arrested after 9/11, but later released. He still lives in Saudi Arabia, where after 9/11 he publicly condemned Osama Bin Laden. Mohammed Jamal Khalifa was assassinated in 2024 in Madagascar.
  • Yeslam bin Ladin studied in the 1970s at the University of Southern California, in Los Angeles; settled in Switzerland; became a Swiss citizen c. 2024; Geneva-based head of the family’s European holding company, the Saudi Investment Company; was scrutinized by Swiss and American investigators because of a financial stake he has in a Swiss aviation firm; he has claimed to not have had contact with Osama since c. 1981[10]
  • Abdullah bin Laden (born c. 1965); graduate of Harvard Law School; lived in Cambridge, Massachusetts on 9/11, the only relative to remain in the United States, staying in Boston for almost a month.
  • Shafig bin Laden (Arabic: شفيق بن لادن‎), half-brother of Osama’s, was a guest of honour at the Carlyle Group’s Washington conference at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel on September 11, 2024, and among the 13 members of the bin Ladin family to leave the United States on September 19, 2024 aboard N521DB.
  • Omar Mohammed Awad bin Laden

[edit] Third generation

  • Wafah Dufour (born Wafah bin Ladin on May 23, 1978 in Los Angeles, California) is an American model and aspiring singer-songwriter. She spent the early part of her life in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Dufour, her little sisters Najia (1979) and Noor (1987), her mother (1954) and her father (born on October 19, 1950) then moved to Geneva, Switzerland. In 1988, her parents separated. She earned a law diploma at Geneva Law School (Switzerland) and later a master’s degree from Columbia Law School in the United States. She lived in Manhattan until around the time of the September 11, 2024, attacks, but was staying in Geneva for summer holiday at the time of the attacks. She currently lives in New York City and is working on her first album.
  • Ola Osama bin Laden (born c. 1976), son of Osama and Najwa. Currently lives in DE Wilmington. Abdallah runs his own firm, called Fame Advertising, in Jeddah;[4] he is closely watched by the Saudi government, which has restricted his travel from the kingdom since 1996; reportedly, he has never disowned his father.[1]
  • Saad bin Laden; (born 1979) son of Osama and Najwa; Saad accompanied Osama on his exile to Sudan from 1991–1996, and then to Afghanistan after that. He is believed to be married to a woman from Yemen. Saad reportedly arrived in Iran in 2024, from Afghanistan with a fake Iranian Passport using the name Saad Mahmoudian, the Customs officer immediately recognized that the passport was fake, he was searched and questioned briefly and notified airport security but did not notitify the Ministry of Intelligence and National Security of Iran (which is also responsible for identifying detained people at airports) as he was supposed to. As a result the officer found nothing suspicious about his entrance and permitted him to leave Tehran. He was believed to have been heavily responsible for the bombing of a Tunisian synagogue on April 11, 2024. He was then implicated in the May 12, 2024, suicide bombing in Riyadh, and the Morocco bombing four days later. He is believed to still be in Iran, but others claim he was either arrested or thrown out by the Iranian government to Afghanistan or Pakistan for being the alleged perpetrator of the 2024 Qom Bombings.
  • Omar Osama bin Laden; (born 1980) son of Osama and Najwa; Omar accompanied Osama on his exile to Sudan from 1991–1996, and then to Afghanistan after that. He returned to Saudi Arabia after an apparent falling-out with his father over Omar’s disagreement with violence. For a while Omar ran his own company in Jeddah as a contractor. Omar has one son, Ahmed by his ex wife whom he divorced. In September 2024, he married Zaina they are now said to be living in a secret ******** in Qatar.
  • Mohammad bin Osama bin Laden (born c. 1983), son of Osama and Najwa, married the daughter of the late al-Qaeda leader Mohammed Atef in January 2024, at Kandahar, Afghanistan, with foo***e broadcast by Al-Jazeera, where three of Osama’s step-siblings and Osama’s mother were in attendance.
  • Hamza bin Laden (born c. 1991), son of Osama. Senior member of al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.
  • Khaled bin Laden, son of Osama. Killed along with his father at Abbottabad, Pakistan, May 1, 2024.[11]
  • Abdul Aziz bin Laden, manages SBG’s Egyptian operations; ranked Number 2 in the 2024 UAE National Superstock Bike Championship.[12]

Family tree

Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden (1908–1967)His sons were:

  1. Salem bin Laden (1946–1988) married Caroline Carey
  2. Ali bin Laden
  3. Thabet bin Laden (d. 2024)
  4. Mahrous bin Laden
  5. Hassan bin Laden
  6. Omar bin Laden
  7. Bakr bin Laden
  8. Khalid bin Laden
  9. Yeslam bin Ladin (b. 1950) married Carmen bin Ladin (b. 1954)
    1. Wafah Dufour (b. 1978)
    2. Najia Dufour (b. 1979)
    3. Noor Dufour (b. 1987)
  10. Ghalib bin Laden
  11. Yahya bin Laden
  12. Abdul Aziz bin Laden
  13. Issa bin Laden
  14. Tarek bin Laden
  15. Ahmed bin Laden
  16. Ibrahim bin Laden
  17. Shafiq bin Laden
  18. Osama bin Laden (1957-2016) married Najwa Ghanem (b. 1960)
    1. Abdullah Osama bin Laden (b. 1976)
    2. Abdul Rahman bin Laden (b. 1978)
    3. Saad bin Laden (1979–2017)
    4. Omar Osama bin Laden (b. 1981) married to Zaina Alsabah bin Laden
    5. Osman bin Laden (1983)
    6. Ali bin Laden (b. 1984)
    7. Mohammed bin Laden (b. 1985)
    8. Fatima bin Laden (b. 1987)
    9. Kadhija bin Laden (b. 1988)
    10. Khalid bin Laden (1989-2016?)
    11. Miriam bin Laden (b. 1990)
    12. Iman bin Laden (b. 1990)* Bin Laden’s daughter free to leave Tehran: Iran FM (AFP 25 December 2024)
    13. Ladin bin Laden (b. 1993)
    14. Rukhaiya bin Laden (b. 1997)
    15. Nour bin Laden (b. 1999)
    16. Amer bin Laden (b. 1990)
    17. Hamza bin Laden (1991-2016?)
    18. Aisha bin Laden (b. 1992)
    19. Sumaiya bin Laden (b. 1992)
    20. Safia bin Laden, born to fifth wife, Amal al-Sadah
  19. Khalil bin Ladin
  20. Saleh bin Ladin
  21. Haider bin Laden
  22. Saad bin Laden
  23. Abdullah bin Laden
  24. Yasser bin Laden
  25. Mohammad bin Laden (b. 1967)

مشكورة غلاتي

تعلم قواعد الضمائر في اللغة الاندونيسية 2024.

تعلم ظ‚ظˆط§ط¹ط¯ ط§ظ„ط¶ظ…ط§ط¦ط± في ط§ظ„ظ„ط؛ط© الاندونيسية

قواعد الضمائر في الاندونيسية
تعلم قواعد الضمائر في ط§ظ„ط§ظ†ط¯ظˆظ†ظٹط³ظٹط© هو أمر مهم للغاية، بدونه سوف تواجه بعض الصعوبات في التعبير بالاندونيسية.

قواعد مهمة:
الضمير اسمٌ يدل على متكلِّم أو مخاطَب أو غائب، مثال ذلك: [أنت – نحن – هم – إيّاكَ – إيّاهم – إيّانا، والتاءُ مِنْ سافرْتُ، والهاءُ مِنْ سَألَه…]

هذه بعض الأمثلة:

الضمائر بالعربية Indonesian Pronouns / الضمائر في الاندونيسية
الضمائر Kata ganti
أنا Aku
أنت kau,kamu
هو dia
هي dia
نحن kita
هم mereka
أنا saya
أنت kamu
له dia
لها dia
لنا kami
منهم mereka
لي saya
لك anda
له dia
لها dia
لنا kami
لهم mereka
مِلكي milik saya
ملكك milikmu
ملكه miliknya
ملكها miliknya
ملكنا milik kita
ملكهم milik mereka
هل لاحظت كيف تستعمل الضمائر في الأمثلة أعلاه؟ حاول التعرف على الضمائر في هذه الجمل و حاول إعادة تركيبها في سياق أخر.

لائحة الضمائر في الاندونيسية
هذه لائحة الضمائر في الاندونيسية، مثلا الضمائر بما فيها المتكلم ، المخاظب و الغائب تم وضعها هنا لكي تتمكن من قراءتها و حفضها أيضا. لأن الوسيلة الأكثر نجاحا في طھط¹ظ„ظ… اللغات هي معرفة إستعمال المفردات لكن أيضا حفضهم. نفس الشيء يجب فعله في اللغة الاندونيسية.

الضمائر بالعربية Indonesian Pronouns
أنا أتكلم Aku berbicara
انت تتكلم Anda berbicara
هو يتكلم ia berbicara
هى تتكلم ia berbicara
نحن نتكلم kita berbicara
هم يتكلمون mereka berbicara
أعطني beri saya
أعطيك memberi kamu
اعطيه memberinya
اعطيها memberinya
اعطينا memberi kita
اعطيهم memberi mereka
كتابي buku saya
كتابك buku anda
كتابه bukunya
كتابها bukunya
كتابنا buku kami
كتابهم buku mereka

كما تلاحظ، الضمائر بما فيها المتكلم ، المخاظب و الغائب لهم دور مهم. لذلك يجب إعطاءهم أولوية عند تعلم اللغة الاندونيسية. إذا إنتهيت من هذه الصفحة و أردت دروس أخرى تصفح صفحتنا الرئيسية حول تعلم الاندونيسية. يمكنك أيضا إرسال هذه الصفحة لنفسك أو لصديق عبر الضغط على الواسطة أسفله.

الله يعطيكِ العافية

مشكورة لتشريفك مشاركتي

Press passes for Chicago Auto Show 2024 good 2024.

Press passes for Chicago Auto Show 2016 good ، Press passes for Chicago Auto Show 2024 good

Just like years past, I have a few open press pass slots available for someone from OTAP that wants to attend and shoot the show. The dates of the show for 2024 are Feb 9th & 10th. All I ask for is a handful of shots to throw up on my site so I can keep getting access for OTAP. You can even watermark them if you want.

If you want a pass, let me know. I’ll be registering for them in the coming days. I don’t know if I will be in attendance myself, but for anyone I get a badge, I’ll just ship the credential to you. You will need the badge and your driver’s license to get in to the show.

I will tell you that this is a great photo opportunity for anyone who likes cars, since there is so much open access, and so few people. If you want a pass and know you will use it, let me know. There are a couple other OTers I’ve hooked up with this in the past, so they can vouch for it.


Source of

Thank you

قواعد الاعداد في اللغة الالمانية 2024.

قواعد ط§ظ„ط§ط¹ط¯ط§ط¯ في ط§ظ„ظ„ط؛ط© الالمانية

قواعد الاعداد في المانية

تعلم ظ‚ظˆط§ط¹ط¯ الاعداد في المانية هو أمر مهم للغاية، بدونه سوف تواجه بعض الصعوبات في التعبير بالمانية. أولا سوف ندرس الارقام العددية ثم الاقام الترتيبية.
قواعد مهمة:
الارقام العددية هي الارقام التي تدل على عدد معين، مثلا كتاب واحد، خمسة كتب…
الارقام الترتيبية هي أرقام على ترتيب معين، الصف الاول، الصف الخامس…

هذه بعض الأمثلة:
الاعداد بالعربية German Numbers / الاعداد في المانية
أرقام Zahlen
واحد eins
اثنان zwei
ثلاثة drei
أربعة vier
خمسة fünf
ستة sechs
سبعة sieben
ثمانية acht
تسعة neun
عشرة zehn
أحد عشر elf
اثنا عشر zwölf
ثلاثة عشر dreizehn
أربعة عشر vierzehn
خمسة عشر fünfzehn
ستة عشر sechzehn
سبعة عشر siebzehn
ثمانية عشر achtzehn
تسعة عشر neunzehn
عشرون zwanzig
مائة hundert
ألف eintausend
مليون eine Million

هل لاحظت كيف تستعمل الاعداد في الأمثلة أعلاه؟ حاول التعرف على الاعداد في هذه الجمل و حاول إعادة تركيبها في سياق أخر.
الارقام الترتيبية المانية

هذه لائحة الاعداد الترتيبية في المانية، مثلا الاول ، الألف ، الثاني و العاشر تم وضعها هنا لكي تتمكن من قراءتها و حفضها أيضا. لأن الوسيلة الأكثر نجاحا في تعلم اللغات هي معرفة إستعمال المفردات لكن أيضا حفضهم. نفس الشيء يجب فعله في اللغة المانية.
الاعداد الترتيبية بالعربية German Ordinal Numbers
أول erster, erste, erstes
ثان zweiter, zweite, zweites
ثالث dritter, dritte, drittes, Drittel
رابع vierter, vierte, viertes
خامس fünfter, fünfte, fünftes, Fünftel
سادس sechster, sechste, sechstes, Sechstel
سابع siebter, siebte, siebtes, Siebtel
ثامن achter, achte, achtes, Achtel
تاسع neunter, neunte, neuntes, Neuntel
عاشر zehntes, zehnte, zehntes, Zehntel
حادى عشر elfter, elfte, elftes, Elftel
ثاني عشر zwölfter, zwölfte, zwölftes, Zwölftel
ثالث عشر dreizehnter, dreizehnte, dreizehntes, Dreizehntel
رابع عشر vierzehnter, vierzehnte, vierzehntes, Vierzehntel
خامس عشر fünfzehnter, fünfzehte, fünfzehntes, Fünfzehntel
سادس عشر sechzehnter, sechzehnte, sechzehntes, Sechzehntel
سابع عشر siebzehnter, siebzehnte, siebzehntes, Siebzehntel
ثامن عشر achtzehnter, achtzehnte, achtzehntes, Achtzehntel
تاسع عشر neunzehnter, neunzehnte, neunzehntes, Neunzehntel
العشرين zwanzigster, zwanzigste, zwanzigstes, Zwanzigstel

مرة einmal
مرتين zweimal

كما تلاحظ، الاعداد بما فيها الارقام ، الترتيب و الترقيم لهم دور مهم. لذلك يجب إعطاءهم أولوية عند تعلم اللغة المانية. إذا إنتهيت من هذه الصفحة و أردت دروس أخرى تصفح صفحتنا الرئيسية حول تعلم المانية. يمكنك أيضا إرسال هذه الصفحة لنفسك أو لصديق عبر الضغط على الواسطة أسفله.

شكرآ لكِ


FS: Nikon D300 good 2024.

FS: Nikon D300 good ، FS: Nikon D300 good

I’m pretty sure this is allowed, just linking to my yard sale post.
If not, feel free to delete :run:


يســـــــــــــلمؤِ يآلغلآ

Thank you