Looking to get my wife a XSI or a T2i Refurb not sure which one . good 2024.

Looking to get my wife a XSI or a T2i Refurb….not sure which one… good ، Looking to get my wife a XSI or a T2i Refurb….not sure which one… good

I haven’t played with either one of them. I currently have a 5D and a 5DMKII, so I’m not very familiar with the functions of these other two.

I’ll be teaching her to use a DSLR so that she can eventually help me shoot weddings (I get requests often for a female photographer in addition to me for Muslim weddings).

I want her to get started slowly and I would like to use this camera as my third backup as well, just in case. Looking to spend under $700 w/ kit lens. I have L lenses, but I don’t want her to play with those for a while. I’d like to get her a 18-135 so that even I can use it as a general walk around lens and leave my 24-70 at home when going on vacations.

Thanks for the input.

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