Nikon crew: 28 f2.8 or 35 f2 good 2024.

Nikon crew: 28 f2.8 or 35 f2 good ، Nikon crew: 28 f2.8 or 35 f2 good–nikko…w–test-report–nikko…w–test-report

Which? The two are VERY similar in construction. They’re both pretty much equally sharp. Wider would be better, but f/2 is better than f/2.8. That being said, I usually shoot outdoors or at low light with a tripod, but I’m comfortable shooting at ISO 1600+ on my D90 anyways, so…. :dunno::noes:

I need a mid-range prime. My 50 f/1.8 is awesome, but a bit too long for a walk-around prime most the time.

-edit- also, aren’t this full frame lenses? So they wouldn’t really be that wide on my cropped sensor… more like 42-50mm-ish…

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