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OTAP, I’m in a jam and I need some idea/tips good

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OTAP, I’m in a jam and I need some idea/tips (maternity photos) good ، OTAP, I’m in a jam and I need some idea/tips (maternity photos) good

My brother and his wife are pregnant and expecting soon. They already booked a photography shoot for January but due to complications with their unborn son, they can no longer stay in Tampa for the delivery and have to stay in Gainesville, FL until the birth + 3 months after- they are leaving for Gainesville in a week. It’s extremely expensive and they cant afford to take the photos any more. This is where my problem comes in…

My brother is begging me to take the maternity pictures for them. However, my issues are:
– I am not a photographer by any means
– I have a meh camera (Canon Rebel XTi)
– .. with a kit lens only
– No ****. Just a tripod
– They live in a town home with no real backyard, so I have limited space but I’m sure I can move stuff around
– and most importantly: absolutely no experience

I take photos for fun and I had ONE high school photo class and ONE film photography class in college. I think I can manage my way around this with enough research. I’m not amazing by any means but I’m not completely retarded with a camera, if that means anything. 😮

I’m clueless. I really need some tips, advice, or just examples of what I can do to make this work. :hs:

They are going through a really rough time and although they understand I can’t take professional looking photos for them, they don’t mind and honestly, I just want to help my brother out. Any input would be much appreciated. 🙂 Thanks!

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