Silly photography class . good 2024.

Silly photography class… good ، Silly photography class… good

I’m just about finished my Photo BS degree at the college I work at… Taking it 2 classes a semester, just for kicks…

So we have this portfolio class…. Today was the final…

During the semester, the committee meets with you and discusses your photos, recommends changes, gives you alternative ideas, etc…

They gave me a bunch of shitty little suggestions like remove this little tree branch, see how this looks black and white, etc…

I pretty much disregarded them, so they called me on it… Spent the first half of the critique telling me how i’m arrogant and think i’m too good to listen to anyone else, blah blah blah…

Then they told me my portfolio was the best out of all of the classes this semester, gave me an A, and asked me to mat one of the pictures for the school’s gallery…


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