Would somebody be willing to edit some shots for me? good 2024.

Would somebody be willing to edit some shots for me? good ، Would somebody be willing to edit some shots for me? good

I took a trip to Kenya and I have 200 pictures that I took. The camera wasn’t the best, but some OTers were saying that with some photoshop work, they could look a lot better. I don’t have PS anymore and I have no experience in editing. I just want maybe 10-15 shots edited. The pics are something like 2300×1300 resolution. I would host all the pcs here but I don’t know of a server that will allow me to upload high-res. I could just e-mail them to you if you’re willing to help out. Please let me know!

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يســـــــــــلمؤِ غنآتيِ

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