Interested in photography, but . good 2024.

Interested in photography, but… good ، Interested in photography, but… good

At the moment I am stuck with a rather pedestrian camera and no other **** to speak of. Saving to move into a bigger place and stuff and won’t have any money for a better camera for the foreseeable future.

Is there anything I can do with my Kodak Z650 to get me started with professional photography? I don’t know hardly anything, I played with the manual settings (called PASM or something) and got mostly crappy pictures… so far I have been using it in stupid mode or whatever it’s called, "for general purpose picture taking" I think it says…

This is not a troll thread, like I said I am looking to get into it but so far haven’t done anything but point and shoot style picture taking.

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Thank you

تســـــــــــلمينِ عزِيزِتيِ

good online guides/books on night photography? good 2024.

good online guides/books on night photography? good ، good online guides/books on night photography? good

i’m looking to get better at taking night shots and was wondering if anyone could recommend an article, guide, w/e on the topic so i can get a better understanding on ISO, shutter speed, aperture, metering, etc.

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تســـلمينِ يآلغلآ

مشكورة يا غلا ..

Anyone have a Nook Color or the like? How are photography books on them? good 2024.

Anyone have a Nook Color or the like? How are photography books on them? good ، Anyone have a Nook Color or the like? How are photography books on them? good

So all my friends have some form of a nook or Kindle, I kinda want one too. But how are photography books on them? I mean, do they have all the same pictures, how are they to read, ect?

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تســــلمينِ غآليتيِ

يسسسسسسسسسلمو يآلغلآ ..

nightlife photography v. 2 good 2024.

nightlife photography v. 2 good ، nightlife photography v. 2 good

So, my friend was putting on a battle of the beats and wanted me to shoot it. I think this turned out a lot better than my last attempt, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. The hardest part was shooting people on s***e. I tried to use a flash, but it didn’t really work out, so I used my 50 f1.8 wide open at iso 1600. I felt kind of limited with my xti because the max iso is 1600 and it is really noisy. Here are some of the shots.


All of them are here
My friend is doing another one in february and wants me to shoot that. I think next time, I’m going to put a flash on the s***e and fire it wirelessly. I just need to get some wireless flash transmitters.

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Thank you

تســــلمينِ عزِيزِتيِ

Is James Law the future of photography? good 2024.

Is James Law the future of photography? *VID* good ، Is James Law the future of photography? *VID* good


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تســــلمينِ غلآتيِ

Video sucks. Long live photography. good 2024.

Video sucks. Long live photography. good ، Video sucks. Long live photography. good

I was called into my boss’s office last Friday. I’m being laid off as of the first of the year. I knew this was coming as we had discussed when I might retire, but I didn’t know when. I was hoping to make it to next October but they want to use my position to hire a writer. My value as a producer/director/cameraman has been limited as we transgressed into more multi-media jobs.

That’s the good news.

Because now I’ll be free to grow my photography business without any constraints.

My kids are grown and out on their own.

My home will be paid for and I can retire debt free.

I have all the camera **** in the world.

I have my health.

Life is good.

Thank you

nightlife photography v. 2 good 2024.

nightlife photography v. 2 good ، nightlife photography v. 2 good

So, my friend was putting on a battle of the beats and wanted me to shoot it. I think this turned out a lot better than my last attempt, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. The hardest part was shooting people on s***e. I tried to use a flash, but it didn’t really work out, so I used my 50 f1.8 wide open at iso 1600. I felt kind of limited with my xti because the max iso is 1600 and it is really noisy. Here are some of the shots.


All of them are here
My friend is doing another one in february and wants me to shoot that. I think next time, I’m going to put a flash on the s***e and fire it wirelessly. I just need to get some wireless flash transmitters.

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Thank you

تســــلمينِ عزِيزِتيِ

Nat Geo photography winners good 2024.

Nat Geo photography winners good ، Nat Geo photography winners good

pretty neat…4/photocontest

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يســـــلمؤِ يآلغلآ

Flash Photography Book good 2024.

Flash Photography Book good ، Flash Photography Book good

Picked up a 580 EX II today for my 5DM2, now I need to learn some tricks of the flash photography trade. Any recommended books? I think Im going to get Mastering Canon EOS Flash Photography. Any one read it? How is it? Thanks!

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knock off photography good 2024.

مشـــــكوِـرِة يآلغلآ

يسسسسسسسسسلمو يآلغلآ ..