OTAP, I’m in a jam and I need some idea/tips good 2024.

OTAP, I’m in a jam and I need some idea/tips (maternity photos) good ، OTAP, I’m in a jam and I need some idea/tips (maternity photos) good

My brother and his wife are pregnant and expecting soon. They already booked a photography shoot for January but due to complications with their unborn son, they can no longer stay in Tampa for the delivery and have to stay in Gainesville, FL until the birth + 3 months after- they are leaving for Gainesville in a week. It’s extremely expensive and they cant afford to take the photos any more. This is where my problem comes in…

My brother is begging me to take the maternity pictures for them. However, my issues are:
– I am not a photographer by any means
– I have a meh camera (Canon Rebel XTi)
– .. with a kit lens only
– No ****. Just a tripod
– They live in a town home with no real backyard, so I have limited space but I’m sure I can move stuff around
– and most importantly: absolutely no experience

I take photos for fun and I had ONE high school photo class and ONE film photography class in college. I think I can manage my way around this with enough research. I’m not amazing by any means but I’m not completely retarded with a camera, if that means anything. 😮

I’m clueless. I really need some tips, advice, or just examples of what I can do to make this work. :hs:

They are going through a really rough time and although they understand I can’t take professional looking photos for them, they don’t mind and honestly, I just want to help my brother out. Any input would be much appreciated. 🙂 Thanks!

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يســـــلمؤِ يآلغلآ

Some OTOP, a Bike, and 3100ws of flash good 2024.

Some OTOP, a Bike, and 3100ws of flash good ، Some OTOP, a Bike, and 3100ws of flash good

this was just an impromptu shoot for the fun of it
it was 95 degrees and in midday sun, and really fucking windy 😮



From left to right
left; jinbei rd1200 with 90cm octa
middle; two quadra rx’s with standard reflectors
right; ranger rx with 150cm midi octa on the right
all at full power

triggered with elinchrom skyports, pocketwizard tt5 and phottix atlas (a bit of a mess lol) :rofl:

and a before and after 😮

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يســــــــــــلمؤِ يآلغلآ

anyone in the kc area want some free white seamless? good 2024.

anyone in the kc area want some free white seamless? good ، anyone in the kc area want some free white seamless? good

i used a roll and the edges got a little torn up and one side got rather dirty, but its a free 9′ wide roll of white seamless. :dunno: i’m not shipping it, but if you are local and want to meet somewhere to pick it up, its yours. i did flip it over and use the other side of it to take some pictures of my kids once or twice, so the backside is still white.

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يســــــــــــــلمؤِ خيتوِ

Non-white diffusers v. Please post some pics so I can see what’s up. good 2024.

Non-white diffusers v. Please post some pics so I can see what’s up. good ، Non-white diffusers v. Please post some pics so I can see what’s up. good

I just ordered a white diffuser for my flash and it comes with a blue one and a yellow one. I can’t think of a situation that would call for blue lighting, but I bet some of you guys have. Please share some photos that you shot with non-white diffusers. Thanks OTAP!

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مشـــــكوِـرِة يآلغلآ

Just stumbled upon this. . . great for some simple DIY repairs! good 2024.

Just stumbled upon this. . . great for some simple DIY repairs! good ، Just stumbled upon this. . . great for some simple DIY repairs! good



This guy has parts for just about everything. I just ordered some new rubber grips to replace the ones that were peeling off of my D700. 😎

Thank you

Took some pics of the car today at close to sunset . good 2024.

Took some pics of the car today at close to sunset… good ، Took some pics of the car today at close to sunset… good

Took these today with the T2i, kit lens, full manual mode. Any tips/suggestions would be appreciated.





Tried to get the sun in this last one back in the tree…

Source of

يســــــلمؤِـؤِ غنآتيِ

يسسسسسسسسسلمو يآلغلآ ..


Acquired some new stuff v. Film good 2024.

Acquired some new stuff v. Film good ، Acquired some new stuff v. Film good


This stuff worth a damn? Thunking of picking up some film to try it out…

يســـــلمؤِؤِ غنآإَتيِ

Thank you